Google Drive
  • $20/month
  • $69/month
    Office / Team
  • Gain deep insights into your dotloop data using the power of Google Sheets
  • Backup your dotloop Loops, Participants, and People to individual sheets
  • Easily create reports and graphs in Google Sheets using your dotloop data
  • See it in action

Does it matter what type of dotloop account I'm connecting?

Not at all. These Integrations will work for Brokerage, Team, or Agent level accounts.

What does this backup from dotloop?

This backup will create 3 Google Sheets in Google Drive with all the info for your dotloop loops, participants and people respectively. It will also create a folder for each loop and backup all documents and folders that are not marked as 'archived' attached to that loop.

How frequently does this sync?

The backup will happen one time at activation, the sync is ongoing and happens as often as every 5 minutes.

I don’t see all of my files, where are they?

Many users have hundreds or thousands of files and we can’t grab all of that data at once. We break it up into chunks and run regularly until we get everything. It can take days (or sometimes even weeks) to get all of your data from dotloop.

You should see regular updates to your Google Drive files. If you have any questions, you can always contact our support team at